If you are using a self-signed certificate for ScanCentral DAST, follow these instructions to install the certificate and avoid the untrusted certificate issue:

In the Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browser:

  1. In the address bar above, click on the red warning triangle and "Not secure" message and, from the resulting menu, select "Certificate (Invalid)" to show the certificate.
  2. The Certificate window appears with three tabs: General, Details, and Certification Path.
  3. Select the Details tab and click the "Copy to File..." button.
  4. Follow the wizard to save the certificate to a local file.
  5. Use the default format: DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER).
  6. Right-click the .CER file, and select Install Certificate.
  7. Select "Current User" if you are the only user on the server accessing ScanCentral DAST, select "Local Machine" if you are an adminstrator and other users need access to ScanCentral DAST
  8. On the next page, select "Place all certificates in the following store" and browse to the "Trusted Root Certificate Authorities" and click OK.

    Note: Do not let the wizard select the store for you.
  9. Follow the wizard to install the certificate.

    A Security Warning dialog may appear. If it does, disregard this dialog by clicking the Yes button to install the certificate.
Restart your browser, and navigate to ScanCentral DAST in the SSC application. The UI should now load without the untrusted certificate issue.